Sunday, October 26, 2008

How To Improve Chances Of Getting A Job???

Getting a job can take some time, and plenty of hard work. Improve your chances of getting a job sooner rather than later with these essential job hunting techniques.

Focus on your Goals

Before you even start looking for job, decide what you want. This may sound easy, but in fact one of the biggest mistakes that job hunters make is that they don’t really know what they want in a job, and they haven’t taken the time to figure it out before they start looking. If your search is unfocused, you’ll waste time looking for jobs that aren’t appropriate for you, and your lack of focus will be clear to anyone who interviews you. Networking and cold calling are both excellent ways of tapping into the hidden job market.

Create a Job Hunting Schedule

When you’re not working it’s all too easy to slip into bad habits and lose sight of your goal. If you don’t currently have a job, finding one should be your top priority—consider finding a job as your “job”. Writing a great cover letter might help you get a meeting with an employer, but it all goes to waste if you don’t apply the same effort to the interview itself .For more details visit to There are many things you can do to increase your chances of getting interviews, such as taking the time to write high-impact cover letters and resumes. The more time you spend looking and preparing, the better your chances of getting a job quickly—be proactive and start cold calling, rather than simply responding to advertisements.

Scheduling job hunting activities can be difficult if you already have a job. Often this means getting up early to look over advertisements, prepare letters and resumes, and even interviewing in your lunch hour. 

Widen your Search

Don’t rely solely only on job advertisements—there are many other effective ways of finding job leads. Networking and cold calling are both excellent ways of tapping into the hidden job market.

Cover Letters and Resumes

Create cover letters and resumes that are tailored to each job you apply for. Research the company, emphasize the professional skills you have that are relevant to the job, and customize your letter and resume demonstrating your suitability.

Prepare for Interviews

Lack of interview preparation is another top mistake made by many job hunters. Writing a great cover letter might help you get a meeting with an employer, but it all goes to waste if you don’t apply the same effort to the interview itself. Prepare by researching the company, rehearsing your answers to interview questions, and researching interview techniques to give you the best possible chance at success.

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